Monday, April 27, 2009

The Date with Destiny

I just got home from a very exiting week at the Gold Coast. It was the Tony Robbins seminar "Date with Destiny" which sounds really dramatic and fatal, and in a way it is. They started all the 2500 participants with the words "whatever reason you think you came for, it's not it" which I of course doubted because I believe I got myself pretty good figured out.

After a couple of days I realized that I learned so much about myself that it felt like I had one breakthrough a day. It made me really exited because new insights is my bread and butter within my researches at work. I could go on and on with all this but I will pace myself to say some of my conclusions after this week.

  • How can I even more appreciate and love the challenges I face on my true path in life.
  • The purpose of my life is to be an outstanding role model, enjoy every moment and create miracles for myself and others.

If growth is important for you I recommend to go for this seminar.

Live with Passion as Tony Robbins use to say.

date with destiny

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Sun is Shining

There’s a lot of people struggling now for different reasons. Many of my friends are challenged financially by work and personally by some circumstances. Which makes it easy to start thinking what’s the purpose of it all and why is this happening and so on. Your regular paradigm is shaken and your focus goes in different directions.

Some people get into solution mode and others dig themselves into the problem hole and get overwhelmed. Neither is right or wrong but personally I prefer solution mode because the “problem hole” has a tendency to keep you longer than healthy. However you need some kind of high to manage one or the other that's why I wrote the headline.

We use to joke about it especially when there’s a lot going on around us. We nag about our challenges and in the end we just say “But the sun is shining” meaning at least there’s something positive going on. It doesn't have to be the sun it can be anything, the slightest glimpse of something good.

I don’t want to sound like “Mr. Happy Camper” but the people I know who impressed me most during the years have all had this attitude in common, even in the most absurd situations. Bosses I worked for, Star Sales Managers I learnt from and close friends because it’s the warrior spirit.

So go and look for something positive right away, with or without problems.

And you know what, today the SUN IS SHINING in Gothenburg SWEDEN!