Monday, February 01, 2010


The first month of the year is to an end and there’s eleven more to go. But first it’s time for some reflections to make sure we are on the right track. Now it’s time to ask yourself some questions.

Are you happy with what you have accomplished so far?

If you keep going like this will you be fulfilled in the end of the year?If no, what are you going to do about it?

If yes, keep it up and maybe do some fine tuning when unexpected things happen. They always do.

I’m personally very happy with January even if there are some things that I want to do even better in February.

Always strive for improvements, big or small. It will keep you motivated and feed the human need for growth.

Set high standards and few limitations for yourself.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

It’s just a short one today I’m going for a drive 05.00. February is starting early, I just cant wait.image

Greetings from a snowy Gothenburg

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