Thursday, December 31, 2009



It’s been a strange year in many ways. It’s been one of the most challenging due to all turbulence in the world. From the financial market breakdown, recession and more I feel kind of guilty to say that it’s been my best year ever.

  • I got married
  • Done some pretty cool insight within myself
  • Got an outstanding team to work with
  • Clarified my Vision and Mission in life
  • Simplified and improved the business

I can make this list go on forever but I’ll spare you and just round it off with an insight. All these “personal victories” are grown out of a big challenge and haven’t had any value without the strive before. Changes are sometimes frustrating but the breakthrough makes it worthwhile.

I wish you all an outstanding 2010 with many breakthroughs.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Squidoo is a really cool tool I’ve stumbled on after reading some books by Seth Godin. (Purple Cow)

Squidoo.  What a crazy name for such a valuable internet tool! However, it is time to stop laughing at the name and realize the pure power of Squidoo.  With proper resources and a proven Squidoo Guide, you too can feel the power of the Squid.



Try something new today, create a SQUID!