Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Chrismas

I love to spend these days to reflect of the year that's been and make some plans before the 31st. (I don't really like to make silly promises without manifestation and a serious plan) The questions I use to ask myself are:

What was great with this year?
What am I most proud of?
How well did I fulfill my goals?
Did I made a difference for myself and to others?
What did I learn from my mistakes?
What do I want to improve next year?
How can I even more appreciate and love the challenges I face?

The list is a lot longer and I use to give it to the guys I coach to make a good workshop out of it? And of course I have to do it myself.

The quality of your life is defined by the quality of the questions you ask!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Everybody are afraid of getting old and I know why

I just finished my 44th birthday and what a day. I made sure to not get to exited so I went to bed 3.30 the night before and got breakfast in bed at 8.30, same o' same o'. I wont get into details for the entire day but it was great. Some party with the boy's and lot's of play.

Short reflection how it feels to be 44 because the scared ones are quick to make a point about it. I only have to ask myself these three questions to reflect over.

  • Did I Live?
  • Did I Love?
  • Did I Matter?

As long as I can answer a honest YES on those questions I couldn't care less on getting older from minute to minute, day to day or year to year.

If you can't answer a honest yes on those questions you will definitely be very worried of getting older because you've been wasting your time. DON'T wast your life I mean time ;)

Everyday when I get up I can feel my body and appreciate a little pain from old injuries and remember all the crazy stuff I've done with it because I LIVE.

When I got back home tonight and went through literary hundreds of greetings on Facebook, emails and sms there's a lot of friendship, connection and LOVE. How great isn't that? Thank you!

When I see how many people I've had the chance to meet, influence, share, teach and learn with/from/by I know I MATTER for more than just me and myself.

I'm feeling better and better and it get's more fun for every year. Hope you got inspired as well!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Getting out of bed

When I wake up in the morning I feel eager to get started with the new day. I do work many late nights in the week and sometimes the sleep get little to short. That's nothing I recommend because sleep is essential for a good life and that's not what this post is about.

It's about what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning. Because if you have your life together you should be really exited to face the new day and everything you are about to do.

Many people complain about that they had to get out of bed and they want to sleep more. Most adults need about 8h +/-1hour depending on circumstances. Don't complain that you need to sleep more or that you don't have the energy. I just don't get it?

I don't want to sleep more I want to DO more. Every new day you get to meet your friends, your family and deal with challenges whatever they might be. This is what you and your life is all about and you better make sure it's exciting.

If you don't feel motivated to get out of bed something is really wrong. You have to change whatever it is that bothers you or what it is you fear to face. Because that's what this is about, it's an escape from reality. YOUR REALITY!

If your life isn't what it's supposed to be, CHANGE IT!

Think through if there's something you want to change in your life, and what you can do about it. If it feels overwhelming you can get support from a friend or a coach. But it's your life and you are responsible to do whatever it takes to make yourself exited about it.

If you are worried about sleep you can stop right now. Nature make sure we get all the sleep there is one day. It's called death and that's one thing nobody needs to worry about because it's taken care of naturally.

Every morning should be like "It's your birthday" because at the sunrise a new day is born, it's your day and you don't wanna miss that!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Maintain Success with your Vehicle

If we buy a car many of us do some monthly payments for 3-5 years and then we own the car. After that we keep on bringing it to service, reconditioning and so on. So if you stop paying your dues you will loose your car and have nothing left, it will just be gone. And if you don’t take care of the necessary maintenance it will lose value and be worth nothing. This is no rocket science and everybody knows this. Most of us also know that our most important vehicle works the same. THE BODY!

Our body needs to be taken care of on a regular basis. New skills or functions has to be learnt and practiced until we own it, and then it has to be maintained. If we begin with something without “paying” all the way through it will be gone. And if you go all the way through it still needs to be maintained properly.

I’m fascinated how many people start new projects in life and then just quit or change as soon as there a little bit of resistance. Nobody would stop paying on the car because we know we’ll lose it, but many people stop taking care of their body or the new “maintenance program” they invested several years in. Isn’t that strange how we can prioritize material object before our most important vehicle we got? OUR BODY!!

Same as if you switch car during the payment plan, you can do it but it will probably cost you a lot of money and extra effort. So if you change path all the time without reaching your goals you will do a lot but accomplish a little. If something needs to be improved you will change but not just because you had a little resistance. That will drain you more than actually follow through and reach your goals.

Decide right now to always follow through with the best vehicle in the world, your own body.


Saturday, April 03, 2010

Confidence without Comparison

Competition and comparisons are part of the world we live in and important for development and progression. When they are used for the right reasons they can be a really positive force. On the other hand they can be really negative in other contexts.


People who starts to compare what they have with others will always be jealous. I’ve seen and experienced that many times and it’s very destructive. People starts to destroy good things just to get even or equal to whatever they are jealous about. By doing that it often develops a negative force or trend that brings everybody to a lower level. The “victory” ends up on the disastrous battle ground.

Battlefield-disaster  Battlefield Disaster

When I was competing I did of course compare myself with others, during the fight. But for me it was always about my own standard. I always asked myself how I could raise my standard to the highest possible level. I didn’t hope that my opponents should have any cutbacks or such because then my own standard wouldn’t be worth as much. That attitude made me a world champion because at that time my standards where higher than the other competitors.

Appreciate others success and use it as motivation for yourself to raise your standards. It doesn’t matter if it’s in business, competitions or with friends the “Winners” are the ones who have an exited attitude and join in on others success.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Do you need a coach?

I’m fascinated about the fact that everybody seems to be a coach now days. Even the people who doesn’t have any results to show of previous success. In Sweden all unemployed can get a coach to get a job. Those coaches was recruited from the registered unemployment force with a lot of governmental funding, these people don’t know how to get a job.I see people who talk about success this and how to accomplish that and they haven’t even accomplished it themselves. That’s ridiculous.

I often hear people give advices about relationships and they have a long list of unsuccessful relationships in the luggage. The only thing they know is how NOT TO DO IT!

We all do mistakes and most people learn something by them. We try something else and then we succeed and can claim to have experience from the process. But before you have succeed there’s no proof for it. By success I mean the desired outcome.


So when you feel in need of a coach, trainer, mentor, role model or whatever you want to call it, find someone who have been there done that. If they done what you want to achieve you copy their concept, if not don’t bother. If it’s a really good one they will coach you to do even better then their own success. Then you should listen carefully and you probably going to get their a lot faster by modeling their process.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What is Self Confidence?

Taken for granted, never had, always there, like the stock market up and down, depending on the circumstances and so on. or what?

In my opinion it’s something that can be taught and should be maintained consistently. Build it on former achievements and success and extend it into bigger challenges to develop and grow. If it never gets trialed or set back you might end up overconfident or even arrogant.


Time for a lesson

That’s unhealthy but normally we get our shares of challenges which I think is a good thing. Same  principle as in working out, first you break the muscle down and then you add some nutrition and rest to make the muscle bigger and/or stronger.

So when you get your setbacks and starts to lose self confidence just remember to realize that you need some building blocks and rest to come out stronger than before and that’s a good thing.

Be grateful, smirk and appreciate events, just like i did myself the other week!

Learn more about how to GET CONFIDENCE

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back to Basics

Last couple of weeks I got a good lesson in my own teachings. I focus a lot to build a strong foundation in everything I do. Many people get frustrated by this and ask for the outcome right now. They want to have the next technique or the product delivered A.S.A.P because that’s how they want it for some reason. Especially the people who got tired of being in the middle and want to advance to the next level.  The funny thing though is that the higher you want to reach the stronger foundation you need. That goes for marketing, business building and competitors. High goals demands big investments and preparations in all levels.

So back to my story and what happened to me. I did set some really bold goals this year and has been really committed to follow through. So committed that I started to lean to much forward with all my weight on the front foot. In martial arts that can be risky when someone fires back at you because you get to vulnerable and can’t deal with the shots. I got some shots in the form of tickets, speeding, parking and improper tires for OSLO in less than two days. That’s a really bad day at the office and it made me settle down a little bit. I can chose to complain about how unfair life is or look at it as a lesson, guess what I chose?

Time to slow down to avoid being knocked out because then I will never reach my goal. Next thing is to take care of my basics to avoid unnecessary mistakes to be able to maintain the pace I prefer to keep. So that’s the foundation for my goals, back to basics.

We all do mistakes, but only the fools repeat them!

Monday, February 01, 2010


The first month of the year is to an end and there’s eleven more to go. But first it’s time for some reflections to make sure we are on the right track. Now it’s time to ask yourself some questions.

Are you happy with what you have accomplished so far?

If you keep going like this will you be fulfilled in the end of the year?If no, what are you going to do about it?

If yes, keep it up and maybe do some fine tuning when unexpected things happen. They always do.

I’m personally very happy with January even if there are some things that I want to do even better in February.

Always strive for improvements, big or small. It will keep you motivated and feed the human need for growth.

Set high standards and few limitations for yourself.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

It’s just a short one today I’m going for a drive 05.00. February is starting early, I just cant wait.image

Greetings from a snowy Gothenburg

Technorati-taggar: ,,,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hollywood Philosophy & Semantics

Here’s a few pieces of an old crazy movie that I been watching a couple of times. Whatever you think about Hollywood and their movies there’s a lot of people who brainstorm, think and write those scripts. There’s good and bad movies but I like to look for the lines or moments that’s applicable to me and my life.

Between “2.44-3.04” the character “Garland Green” gives a speech about semantics and insanity.

Later on at “3.24-4.30” the sick person and mass murderer is given a different perspective on his paradigm by a little girl, which we all do here and there when we starts to feel out of control in our own lives.

The reason I’d like to share this with you is because it’s Friday and suddenly the majority of people starts to think that life suddenly is brighter, and on Monday it’s dark again.

But not you of course, because by now you know that it’s…………..

INSANE and YOU got your

hole world in YOUR hand!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is a cliché that's been watered down to rock bottom. Every fitness chain is using it for all their impersonal and anonymous activities they sell. Because in my opinion you don’t really train neither nor when you move as easy as possible in front of a television in an air-conditioned environment and your water bottle and pamper towel inches away. I don’t write this to sound macho but hand on your heart, is it really? It’s exercise yes, and there’s nothing wrong with that.. My point though is that every January every gym is crowded of people with a new year resolution who tries to accomplish something as easy as possible with as little resistance as possible. They don’t stay to long and in February it’s not crowded any longer. WHY?

In my opinion your mind has to be present and fight the resistance as well. Your muscles grow and get stronger the more resistance they face and so does the mind. So next time you don’t feel like working out remind yourself that you’re just facing some resistance and RIGHT NOW is the time to break through.

If you can manage this mindset with discipline your body and mind will create the soul of a warrior. You will win your daily battles and walk with pride and you will become unstoppable. The greater your self-discipline the greater your self-confidence.

In Philippines warrior is Mandirigma and the last couple of years we conduct this seminar in North Africa that we call “Mandirigma camp” with the slogan “Harder-Better-Stronger”. The harder you treat yourself, the stronger you will be and the better you will feel.

So what is the resistance you are facing today, and what are you going to do about it?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Role model mindset

I got myself a quick cold this weekend, not to bad but good enough to challenge the work. I still had to teach a workshop on Saturday and a Sport class on Sunday which worked ok with support of some aspirin and menthol to cover up the hangover look. But working didn’t really support the recovery to good so this morning it got worse. No rest for the wicked, I’d still have to bring my son to school early morning.

This is something I normally enjoy doing but not really this morning though. So I planned to be a little bit lazy and drive us there to save some of the low personal energy. But the car was completely covered in ice when we got out so that wouldn't save any time or energy. After a quick adaptation we started to walk and it was quite a nice and fresh morning anyhow.

After a minute there’s another kid entering the street in front of us heading for school as well. My son start to ask me questions about the other kid which we don’t know. I answer most of the questions (in a fatherly tone) that I don’t know because we don’t know anything about him and we are not close enough to ask him ourselves. (I want to teach my son not to think or suppose anything without some personal research first)

Then the kid take another road to school and my son start to ask questions about that. Why he choose that way and if he would be in school before us. I answered again that I didn’t know and that it depends on how fast we walk. (I want to teach my son that the outcome is depending on his own effort and it’s his responsibility if he want to affect it)

To my surprise my son just says “Let’s run to school” and there I where with my small cold and a large desire to NOT RUN. (I want my son to play out and have fun whenever he can)

As the role model I want to be there’s no way in h_ll that I will be the boring one telling him that I don’t want to run or that my small cold will set back an enthusiastic mindset that will build a strong physiology for his day in school. (Lead by example)

So there we where the only crazy ones running to school this cold morning. My son for fun and I was proud but a little bit dizzy and a body feeling like an old locomotive with a very high pulse :)

I can live without another experience like this, but not without the memory of it. It puts a big smile in my mind.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

New Habits

I set a lot of goals as usual and I got some questions about how to handle it all without to much stress and frustration. And the best way for me is to analyze what I need to do on a regular basis and what kind of person I need to be to get there. Then I think of what kind of habit I have to add to make it happen. So instead of looking for the big kahuna quickfix one shot solution I build up a habit that brings me there step by step and piece by piece. This is so obvious that it’s to easy to get started that you don’t, and that's ridiculous.

There’s different versions to this but it’s said to take 21 day’s to build up a new habit. If you can keep it up for three weeks the statistics will vote to you’re favor of continuing. So it’s possible to squeeze in 17 new habits in a year or the sane version of a new habit every month, 12 a year.

How do you think that would affect you’re life if you really picked important habits that would make a major impact in the quality of your life?

That’s how you become a world champion in your own life!


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Values and Goals

I just finished my morning routine and feel how much I have missed it. It’s been far to much to do in December so the mundane routines has got behind. And I like mundane routines because they are more important than the big accomplishments here and there. The Committed Consistency of your habits in regular day life is your life-standard!

I did my goal setting a couple of days before New Years Eve and the values was a process during the entire year. Now it feels really good to have that clarity and the confidence what I’m supposed to do and why. This is not to brag about me but I wanted to share this with you to encourage you to do the same. Do it in your own way and start to analyze you’re values and then set goals that’s congruent to the values.

Just make sure that your values are easy to follow in your life so you don’t compromise you’re mind, and then set you’re goals HARD and STRONG to feed the human need of growth.

The first time you do this it can be done in a few minutes, take a piece of paper and write down what’s important in your life. Then you set some goals towards those things and just do it. Then you start to work like this you begin a process that you probably want to repeat. Then it can be done with a coach or in a workshop and so on but first you have to appreciate the process. Then there’s many of us out there who teach and give seminars about it.

Good luck!