Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Secret Part III

Successful Investing

I had the opportunity to learn from the very famous Chuck Mellon. First time on a event called Wealth Mastery from the Tony Robbins Mastery University and second time in Montreau on a seminar called Advanced Investment Strategies. There’s a lot into investing and it all depends on how much you want to gain in comparison with your risk tolerance. I won’t go into that here even if I’m interested in the topic. What I will share here as a “Secret” that I have heard from many people in different fields of investing. It’s really boring and you will probably hate me for presenting this boring obviousness. But still most people don’t apply and there’s a huge different from those who do.

First you have to invest frequently and not rely on the big success a few times.

Secondly you have to stay focused and not lose the track.

Thirdly you have to invest the same amount of time as your expectations.

I know I know it’s really boring but I paid a lot of money to learn that but whats really boring is all these people out there who knows all about this, AND STILL DO NOTHING!

I know some people lika that and I have been like that myself in some fields. But never in my training though, that’s why I’ve been really successful there. And now it’s time to use that experience in more aspecs of life.

Apply these “secrets” and get yourself a lot of riches!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Marketing and one of it’s secrets.

I have created a big interest for marketing during my life. Everything from starting up several companies (my own and others) as well as coaching instructors and club owners to succeed in their career. I was fortunate to have a private student who was a professional marketer to guide me until I finally went for a degree myself. I spent 2 very dedicated years at IHM Business School.

 DSC02123 DIHM Examination

Marketing is a very wide term and many misconceptions are made around it. This article will focus on one of the main things that many people foresee about marketing. I will describe it in conjunction with my former article about success so please read that first.

The “SECRET” with successful marketing is so easy that most people can’t even do it. They try to go for temporary “quick fixes” and change it up just because of that. Here’s what you need:

  • Goals – (become a world champion in stick fighting)
  • Strategy – (to win by superior physical condition)
  • Tactics – (to workout harder then anybody else)
  • Business idea – (make it part of everyday life no matter what)

Ridiculous isn’t it? But when you have decided your goal and made sure that it is really important to accomplish, the hard part is to stick to the strategy and tactics until its accomplished. As long as you are heading towards your goal you don’t change anything, you just keep going. You repeat your campaigns and use your tactics again, again, again and again. You lock the direction towards the goal and just keep going, if you change to often and do to many different things people get confused, clients leave and goals get blur.

The only time you adjust is when you realizes that you are out off course, then you just steer back in again. This “secret” has helped me a lot in my business and career.

If you still wondering what the “SECRET” and commonality with investing and training are hang in there and come back to the blog next week. I will reveal the “SECRET” of successful investing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I recently figured out a common “secret” between success, investing, marketing, training and health. No it’s not the “The Secret” even if that’s a good one as well. This is a secret so well know that it’s hidden in the must, should and would of a hectic and stressful  average day. And the average person struggles to learn and apply this secret.

I will start with different stories where I learnt this secret myself, in these different fields.


When I prepared myself for the world championships in Philippines 1993 I new there would be guys with more experience and skills than me. There was nothing I could do about that. But what I figured out was that many of them focused more on the techniques and skills and less on the physical conditioning. So I made up my mind that I should condition myself harder than anybody else possible could. The challenge with that decision was that I had started a new company that demanded 60-80 work hours a week, started a new club that demanded some hours every week as well besides my own training. On top of that I was on my way to become a father so I guess you can see the complexity of this situation.

To reach my goal (to become a World Champion) realized that I had to condition myself EVERY DAY. I had to run or skip rope and hit the tires on top of all the above. How I did that was to integrate those things in my everyday life. I always had the running shoes in my car, depending on the time of the day I stopped and ran on my way to/from work or to/from lunch or other errands. If I had little time I skipped rope instead, everything from 30 minutes down to 3 minutes many times during the workday. At the coffee break between phone calls or meeting whenever there were the tiniest slack. Same thing with the tires, if I had time for a proper lunch break (rarely) I spent an hour hitting the pile of tires. But same thing there, whatever happened I hit those tires EVERY DAY. Some days an hour,sometimes only 3 minutes but most of the time 3 minutes over and over again. This concept made me a World Champion in full contact stick fighting Cebu City 1993.

At that place and at that time nobody else had conditioned themselves harder than me!

If you still wondering what the “SECRET” and commonality with investing, marketing and training are hang in there and come back to the blog on Friday. I will reveal the “SECRET” of successful marketing.

Sunday, August 09, 2009